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Alessandro Stuart Di Bona

Research subject and interests

My research interests lie in the area of business-government relations, corporate political activity, as well as in the institutional environment and the role of formal and informal institutions. I am interested in investigating the complex and dynamic relationships and networks between businesses and institutions in the aerospace industry with a particular focus on research and development (R&D), and innovation.

My research aims to explore company’s political behaviour, strategy and activities that are implemented in order to shape public policy. Furthermore, to assess the state, and supranational institutions, interventions towards regional, national and international R&D and innovation; starting from a historical perspective and an in-depth examination of the regulatory frameworks that have characterised different institutional environments.

The interconnections between business and institutions are strongly linked with the research interests of both my Director of Studies Dr Andrew Perchard, and my supervisor Professor Neil Forbes.

Alessandro Stuart Di Bona profile photo.

PHD Student



Born in Milan, Alessandro grew up in Belgium where he studied at the European School and obtained the European Baccalaureate. Subsequently, he obtained a BA in Political Science and an MSc. in International Relations and European Integration at the Università Cattolica in Milan.

Following a two year working experience in the Hospitality industry, Alessandro attended the University of Strathclyde and obtained an MSc. with distinction in International Management. His dissertation “Corporate Political Activity and its impact on a company’s strategic behaviour” was awarded with the prize for the best Master in International Management project in academic year 2013/2014.

Alessandro is currently undertaking a full time PhD on the business-government relations and innovation in the European aerospace industry.


  • Di Bona, A. (2014) Corporate Political Activity and its impact on a company’s strategic behaviour. Unpublished Master’s thesis, Glasgow: Strathclyde Business School
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