Dr. Anna Cunningham
1998-2001: BSc Psychology: 1st Class. University of Warwick
2001-2002: PGCE: University of Bath
2002-2006: Primary school teacher (Years 2, 4 and 5)
2007-2010: PhD. The effects of age and schooling on the development of early literacy. Suprvised by Julia Carroll.
2010-2011: Research fellow (University of Warwick)
2011-2014: Research fellow (Aston University)
2015: Senior Research fellow in child development and education (Coventry University)
- Cunningham, A. J., & Carroll, J. M. (2011a). Reading-related skills in earlier and later schooled children. Scientific Studies of Reading.
- Cunningham, A. J., & Carroll, J. M. (2011b). The development of early literacy in Steiner and standard educated children. British Journal of Educational Psychology.
- Cunningham, A. J., & Carroll, J. M. (2011c). Age and schooling effects on early literacy and phoneme awareness. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
- Cunningham, A. J., & Carroll, J. M. (2013). Early predictors of phonological and morphological awareness and the link with reading: Evidence from children with different patterns of early deficit. Applied Psycholinguistics.
- Carroll, J. M., Mundy, I. R., & Cunningham, A. J. (2014). The roles of family history of dyslexia, language, speech production and phonological processing in predicting literacy progress. Developmental Science, n/a-n/a. doi: 10.1111/desc.12153.
- Cunningham, A. J., Witton, C., Talcott, J. B., Burgess, A. P. & Shapiro, L. R. (2015). 'Deconstructing phonological tasks: The contribution of stimulus and response type to the prediction of early decoding skills'. Cognition, 43. 178-186.
- Aston Literacy Project. This was a four-year ESRC (2011-2015) funded project led by Laura Shapiro (PI), Caroline Witton, Joel Talcott and Adrian Burgess. The project investigated the relative importance of general auditory skills (perception of non-verbal sounds) and specific speech skills (perception of verbal sounds, otherwise known as phonological awareness) in beginning and intermediate stages of reading.
- Phase 3 of the Warwick Speech and Literacy project with Julia Carroll. This project investigated the predictors of reading, phonological and morphological awareness in children at risk of literacy difficulties.