Syed Mansoob Murshed
Syed Mansoob Murshed was the first holder of the prestigious rotating Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity in the Netherlands for year 2002-003. He was a Research Fellow at United Nations University/WIDER in Helsinki where he ran Projects on Globalisation and Vulnerable Economies and Why Some Countries Avoid Conflict, While Others Fail. He also ran a project on The Two Economies of Ireland, financed by the International Fund for Ireland at the Northern Ireland Economic Research Centre (NIERC), Belfast. He is the author of seven books and over 130 refereed journal papers and book chapters.
His latest book published in 2010 is Explaining Civil War (Edward Elgar). He is on the Editorial boards of several journals including, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy (PEPS), as well as Civil Wars. His research interests are in the economics of conflict, resource abundance, aid conditionality, political economy, macroeconomics and international economics. He has been a writer of background papers for flagship annual reports various UN agencies, the World Bank and the African Development Bank.
- Mavrotas, G., Murshed, S.M., and Torres, S. (2011) 'Natural Resource Dependence and Economic Performance in the 1970-2000 Period'. Review of Development Economics 15 (1), 124-138.
- Murshed, S.M., and Mamoon, D. (2010) 'Not Loving Thy Neighbour as Thyself: Trade, Democracy and Military Expenditure Explanations Underlying India-Pakistan Rivalry'. Journal of Peace Research 47 (4), 463-476.
- Ostby, G., Urdal, H., Tadjoeddin, Z., and Murshed, S.M., Strand, H. (2011) 'Population Pressure, Horizontal Inequality and Political Violence: A Disaaggregated Study of Indonesian Provinces, 1990-2003'. Journal of Development Studies 47 (3), 377-398.
- Mamoon, D., and Murshed, S.M. (2008) 'Unequal Skill Premiums and Trade Liberalization: Is Education the Missing Link?'. Economics Letters 100 (2), 262-266.
- Addison, T., and Murshed, S.M. (2005) 'Transnational Terrorism as a Spillover of Domestic Disputes in Other Countries'. Defence and Peace Economics 16 (2), 69-82.
- Tadjoeddin, M.Z., and Murshed, S.M. (2007) 'Socioeconomic Determinants of Everyday Violence in Indonesia: An Empirical Investigation of Javanese Districts, 1994-2003'. Journal of Peace Research 44 (6), 689-709.
- Socioeconomic Determinants of Everyday Violence in Indonesia: An Empirical Investigation of Javanese Districts, 1994-2003 (with Zulfan Tadjoeddin), Journal of Peace Research, 44 (6), 689-709, 2007.
- Murshed, M., and Sen, S. (1995) 'Aid Conditionality and Military Expenditure Reduction in Developing Countries: Models of Asymmetric Information'. The Economic Journal 105 (429), 498-509.
- Murshed, M., and Verwimp, V. (2011) 'Enforcing peace agreements in fragile states through commitment technologies'. In Fragile States: Causes, Costs, and Responses. Ed. by Naudé, W.A., Santos-Paulino, A., and McGillivray, M. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 151-165.
- Murshed, M. (2011) 'Economic Dimensions of the Liberal Peace and its Implications for Conflict in Developing Countries'. In Rethinking the Liberal Peace: External Models and Local Alternatives. Ed. by Tadjbaksh, S. London: Routledge, 164-177.
- Murshed, M., Goulart, P., and Serino, L. (2011) 'Globalization and the South at the Crossroads of Change'. In South-South Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Development. Ed. by Murshed, S.M., Goulart, P., and Serino, L. London: Routledge, 3-20.
- CoCOON, Nationalisation of Extractive Industries in Bolivia and Ecuador (NEBE) 2010-15 from Dutch Scientific Research Council, NWO: A study into the effect of natural resources on the environment and conflict in Bolivia and Ecuador.
- MICROCON project (Micro-Level Analysis of Conflict): 2007-12: The microeconomic analysis of conflict.
- EUSECON (European Security Economics) project, 2008-12 from the ISS: European security and threats to it.
- The Two Economies of Ireland, 1994-95: Comparison of the economies of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
- Why Some Countries Fall into Conflict, UNU/Wider, 2000-2001: Theoretical and empirical analysis of civil war risk.
- Globalization and Vulnerable Economies, UNU/WIDER, 1999-2001: Why some countries gain and why some countries lose from economic globalization.
- Growth, Innovation and Competitiveness, the Challenge of Asia for the West. Leverhulme, 1997-98: Challenge of East Asian competiveness for Europe.