International Experience
The School of Humanities is fully committed to enhancing its students’ intercultural awareness and transferable employability skills in a global context. We lead nationally and internationally on embedding internationalisation into the curriculum.
Our first year students in English and Languages have engaged in an online intercultural exchange with students in Mexico, South Korea and France. Postgraduate students in Politics, History, International Relations and Sociology go to Italy on a study trip to discuss issues relating to organised crime and eminent experts in this field participate in an annual staff-student symposium on this theme.
In the School of Humanities we celebrate multiculturalism with a variety of activities including symposia and conferences on subjects varying from African Studies to Organised Crime in the World.
We host various international film screenings of French and Hispanic films throughout the year, and offer outreach to local schools to support the teaching of modern foreign languages.
Study abroad
In the School of Humanities students studying French and Spanish have to go abroad for twelve months as a mandatory component of their degree. Students on all other degrees can elect to take an optional ‘sandwich’ year, which is embedded in all the undergraduate degrees available.
Work experience
There are various opportunities for students within the School of Humanities to participate in global working opportunities and study abroad options. With the help of an Employment Personal Tutor and a Placement Tutor, we will support you with finding a job or a placement and with writing or enhancing your Curriculum Vitae and application forms.
Our employment unit organise and manage work opportunities and internships for all Second Year students that want to travel outside Europe, from Asia to Australia, giving students the chance to gain international experience and differentiate them from their peers after graduation.
In the past, students have travelled and worked in Europe and further afield to places in America, China and Japan as:
- English Tutors
- Embassies- Governance and Translation
- British Council Language Assistants
- MP's- Caseworkers and Researchers
- Language Assistants and Teachers
- Journalists