Areas of expertise
Human Systems Integration
Our work effectively and affordably integrates the human operator into the design, development, commissioning, operation and disposal of whole systems.
Our total systems approach enhances safety and productivity whilst making significant through-life cost savings. By ensuring that interfaces and procedures are designed correctly right from the start, we can reduce errors and accidents, simplify operations, reduce training costs; lower staff turnover and reduce manning levels.
Dimensional metrology
Metrology is the theory and application of measurement and is a key operational function of any manufacturing or engineering organisation. Bad metrology will undermine business profitability and stifle its ability to improve. Good metrology is an added value activity increasing competitiveness and helping drive down production costs. We have assembled a team of metrology experts that have a successful track record in helping UK manufacturing improve its metrology process and application.
Low impact buildings
Creating a low-carbon built environment is one of the great global challenges and is an issue high on society’s agenda. At Coventry University we believe that successful carbon reduction and sustainable building strategies can only be delivered with a highly focused collaborative approach between the public and private sector.
Humanitarian engineering and computing
Coventry University is committed to developing globally aware engineers who use their knowledge to design solutions that enhance the lives and capabilities of people, especially those living in communities with significant needs. We promote the use of engineering and computing to address issues that limit opportunities and development in a culturally sensitive and sustainable way. This can be at a local, nationalor international level and is not necessarily restricted to being a reaction to a disaster or crisis. Find out more about Humanitarian engineering and computing.
Statistical mathematics, magneto hydrodynamics and fluid dynamics
Statistical physics uses probabilistic approaches to deal with systems comprised of many particles or entities. It explains thermodynamics starting from a fundamental stochastic basis applied to underlying microscopic systems. Statistical physics underlies our understanding of the universe at a fundamental level, including in cosmology and particle theory. It also has important applications in chemistry, biology, social sciences and even in some of the humanities
The Serious Games Institute (SGI)
The Serious Games Institute (SGI) - based at Coventry University's Technology Park - enables and facilitates the growth of the serious games, virtual world and related industries by supporting research and development.
SGI showcase their work of the community of digital media companies and academics. They provide business support and facilities to encourage, promote and grow businesses in this sector. The creation of the Institute originated from our regional strength in the global electronic games market through local companies like Blitz Games, Codemasters and PixeLearning, and pioneering work in the application of electronic games to serious business applications.
Control engineering
Through 25 years of research, we have earned a reputation for providing solutions for real industrial problems in one of the major growth areas in engineering. We are particularly successful in attracting positive interest and investment from a number of UK-based industrial organisations, with the majority of our work funded by industry. Our main application areas are:
- Automotive Engineering and Transportation Systems;
- Biomedical Engineering and Control;
- Industrial Process Control.
We also have a number of cross-cutting themes:
- Control System Design and Optimisation;
- Fault Detection and Condition Monitoring;
- Modelling and Simulation;
- Non-linear Control Systems;
- Reduced Order Modelling.
Engineering systems
We use testing and state-of-the-art computer software to investigate advances in both automotive and aircraft engineering.
Areas of activity include:
- Low Carbon Vehicle Technology;
- Automotive Exhaust After Treatment;
- Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics;
- Vehicle Dynamics and Handling;
- Automotive and Aircraft Tyre Modelling;
- Automotive and Helicopter Crash Protection;
- Structural Optimisation;
- Occupant Human Body Modelling and Pedestrian Impact;
- Intelligent Transport Systems;
- Automotive Engineering Design.
Work in this area has a strong automotive bias. Recent UK research projects have involved collaboration with the Niche Vehicle Industry and low carbon vehicle technology projects.
Computer Science affects everyday life in countless ways, from individual use of technology to pervasive computing systems embedded in our environment. Very few businesses function without significant IT support and the growing number of “born digital” businesses indicate that this trend is not going to change soon. We offer expertise and experience in a large range of theoretical and applied aspects of computer science, IT and business information systems.