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Aqsa's story
Student experience

I enjoy everything at Coventry University

Healthcare Management MSc student Aqsa Azhar from Pakistan shares her experience of studying her postgraduate course at Coventry University.


How long did you spend researching Coventry and your course? What channels did you use? An open day, social media, website, recommendations from others?

I spent around 2 months looking for the course and the University which would be best for me. I wanted to do a Masters in Healthcare Management and I also wanted a course that would include some internship program. I searched it online and looked for Universities that were offering the same. I went to different agents in Pakistan and finally ended up choosing Coventry University.


Is there anything in particular that set Coventry apart from other institutions you were considering?

Yes, the main reason of choosing Coventry University was the course because it clearly met my requirements. I wanted to do Masters in Healthcare Management with some internship program so that I could have some experience along with the theoretical knowledge. Coventry University was offering 2-year program with professional experience and that’s all I wanted.


Why did you choose Coventry University to study your PG course?

Well, the course indeed was the main reason of choosing this University but another thing which is important for any student is affordable area to live. I heard from the agent that Coventry is a very beautiful city with affordable accommodations and I believe that it is also a concern for any student especially the ones who are travelling from abroad.


Why did you choose this particular course? What appealed most to you?

It has always been my dream to become a Healthcare Manager so that I could improve the healthcare systems and serve the mankind. Therefore, I needed to gain some knowledge that could help me learn those managerial skills. But knowledge is not enough unless you put it into practice, therefore, I had to work in some healthcare sector as an internship program so that I could learn more by experiencing the systems. Hence, I chose this course because I thought it would be best for me.


Could you provide an overview of Coventry and what’s available, e.g. City centre, food and drink, nightlife?

Coventry University is a very beautiful city. It’s not too big but it has beauty in its simplicity. It is more peaceful than the big metropolitan cities. The city centre is a good place to hang out with family and friends. There are plethora of shopping brands and big malls for shopping. There are many restaurants nearby which offer tasty food and good discounts for students. The best part is that Coventry University is located on just five minutes walk from the City centre.


Which postgraduate facilities do you use most, for example the library, Jaguar building, Centre for Academic writing etc.? If you are a fairly new to your studies, which facilities appealed to you most during the recruitment process?

I use Library the most because it helps me a lot while working on my assignments. I can find all the useful data from the books that are available in the library. If sometimes I do not have my own laptop then I can go to the library and use computers over there. I mostly go to the library with my classmates for group study especially when I have some group assignment to submit. I also go to CAW when I need support regarding writing the assignment or its structure then I would go to them to get feedback as well.


What do you enjoy most about being a PG student at Coventry University?

I enjoy everything at Coventry University. I am so proud and happy that I am getting everything that I wished for. I enjoy studying in the library, hanging out with my friends at the Hub. The atmosphere is so refreshing and all the university officials are so kind and supportive.


What hints and tips do you wish you had known before you started your PG studies, which you would like you share with others who are considering joining the Coventry PG community?

I wish I had known more about the other short programs or facilities for example, language courses, societies etc that university offers along with your major course. Because I got to know about other programs many months later after joining the university which I could have joined way more earlier. So I would suggest the new students to explore more about University and its facilities before joining it.


If you had to describe your experience in three words, what would they be?

Informative, magical and positive.


What are you planning for your next steps once you complete your PG studies?

I am planning to apply for job vacancies in different hospitals and healthcare sectors. Also, I want to study more so I would look for PhD courses as well because as the saying goes “The quest for knowledge never ends; it just leads to more curiosities that lead to a greater mind.”

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