Prospective students
Thinking of studying at Coventry University? The Library is here to help you:
- The Library building is open 24 hours, 364 days a year to enable you to study at a time that suits you.
- We offer a range of study environments so you can find places to work individually or as a group.
- Bookable study rooms are available so that you can practise presentations.
- There is a Postgraduate only Reading Room in the Lower Ground Floor
- We have 500 open access PCs/Macs and wireless access throughout the building, plus 108 laptops for free loan.
- The IT Tech Bar helpdesk is located on the Ground Floor of the Library to help you with any computer related problems.
- Roving help is available throughout the Library lookout for our Rovers in the purple t.shirts. You can also chat with us online through our Libchat service on Locate, check our Libanswers FAQ database, email or phone us.
- Academic Liaison Librarians offer support and training to help you make the most of our resources.
- We have a huge collection of electronic and print materials that you can search through Locate.
- We have close links with other support services such as the Centre for Academic Writing and sigma: the mathematics and statistics support centre.
Take a look at the Library's standards and performance information.