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Sources of Help

The back of a woman with her arm around a mans shoulder

If you (or someone else) is in immediate danger contact:

The Protection Service (Coventry Campus)

If you don’t feel safe, try to find somewhere you feel more secure and call the Protection Service on 024 7765 8555 (5555 on internal phones). The Protection Service is a dedicated crime prevention team based on campus. The team has a 24/7 response to incidents on campus or in University-owned accommodation and they staff a campus-wide CCTV surveillance system*.

The Police

Dial 999

If you (or someone else) have experienced or witnessed an incident and are not in immediate danger you can report to:


TheHub on the Coventry campus is open 08:00 – 20:00 and is a safe space for students and staff. The Protection Service are available at TheHub whenever it is open.

Students’ Union Advice Centre (SUAC)

The SUAC is a hate crime reporting centre, offering confidential advice and help making a report.

Spirituality and Faith Centre

Based on the Coventry campus, the Centre is a warm, safe environment for all students and staff irrespective of beliefs. Facilities include a multi-faith meeting room, chapel, Muslim prayer rooms (with ablution facilities), lounge, multi-faith library and kitchen.

The Welfare Department

The team provide practical and emotional support, and are often the first port of call for students experiencing difficulties. They can also support you in making a report to the online reporting system.

More information on:

*A similar protection service is not yet available on non-Coventry campuses at the time of writing

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