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Policy Engagement

Group Policy Unit

Coventry University Group's policy engagement activity is overseen by the Group Policy Unit. The GPU supports the Group’s long-term strategy of engaging and informing relevant politicians, policy-makers and organisations of the strengths of the University Group, its recognised teaching excellence and its place as a key player in its local economies.

The Group Policy Unit builds links with external representatives from local, national and international government, political parties and informs the senior leadership teams of policy changes that will impact on the achievement of outpoints and outcomes as defined in the Group's Corporate Strategy.


While tracking the current external environment and aligning with the Group's strategic priorities, the Group Policy Unit focuses its policy engagement activity on the following areas:

  • Advocating for flexible learning to suit the needs of students and meet the requirements of employers
  • Championing a civic approach to higher education to meet local, regional and national needs
  • Promoting high quality teaching and learning to enable all students to succeed
  • Collaborating with industry and applying expertise to support local communities and drive innovation.
  • Educating the allied healthcare professionals of the future
  • Research with impact.


Consultations and Inquiries

The Group Policy Unit responds to calls for evidence from Government Departments, Select Committees, All Party Parliamentary Groups, Third Sector Organisations and Regulatory Bodies through submission of consultation papers. It also deals with responses to other inquiries regarding policy issues affecting the University Group.

Should you feel there is a consultation or inquiry that needs the Group Policy Unit’s attention, or you wish to discuss our consultation responses then please contact us on 

Stakeholder Engagement

A key part of the Group Policy Unit’s work is reaching out nationally and building relationships with figures such as Government Ministers, Senior Officials, Select Committee Members, Shadow Ministers at Westminster and Whitehall and ensuring that Coventry University Group is represented in relevant discussions.  

The Policy Unit is also part of the Groups commitment to engaging in its local areas, working regionally through engagement with local MPs and Councillors in all of our locations; local City or Borough Councils as well as specific organisations within each locality.

The Policy Unit also runs policy events and visits, and partners with other relevant bodies to engage with stakeholders, to position the University Group as a leading university in innovative teaching and learning and impactful research.

Policy Network Engagement

The Policy Unit works with external organisations in order to represent the University Group view to Government and to contribute to sector wide policy issues. Examples of the networks we work with include University Alliance, Universities Policy Engagement Network and Universities UK.

International Policy

Whilst most of the work the Group Policy Unit undertakes is based around UK Government policy, Coventry University Group is a global organisation and therefore the Group Policy Unit has staff members based in our International Hubs.

Currently the Group Policy Unit has staff working in the Asia Pacific region through our Singapore Hub and in the Middle East through the Dubai Hub. These roles ensure the Group is abreast of policy changes which may affect its working practices in these locations.

For further details of international policy matters please contact the policy.vco inbox, details below.

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about the activities of the Group Policy Unit, please contact us at

The Policy Unit inbox is monitored by the following:

Joanne Dobson
Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Group Policy)
07974 984410

Holly Higgins
Senior Policy Advisor
07392 096856

Elizabeth Norton
Policy Advisor
07392 096817

Lucy Wilson
Policy Officer
07557 425962

Sindhu Sateesh K
Regional Policy Analyst (Singapore Hub)


Junior Mutabazi
Regional  Policy Analyst (Africa)

Ana Almeida Paiva
Regional Policy Advisor (Brussels Hub)
+32(0) 7392 097146


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