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Quality Assurance Agency Higher Education Review

QAA logo - UK quality assuredIn February 2015 the University successfully underwent a full Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Higher Education Review and met the UK expectations in all four areas of judgement:

  • The setting and maintenance of the academic standards of awards.
  • The quality of student learning opportunities.
  • The quality of the information about learning opportunities.
  • The enhancement of student learning opportunities.

In addition the following features of good practice were identified:

  • The contribution of the Library to the student learning experience through the provision of the Centre for Academic Writing, Sigma and the recent introduction of the Disruptive Media Lab.
  • The Promises (No Hidden Extras) scheme which ensures that undergraduate students do not incur additional costs in the provision of core learning resources.
  • The comprehensive preparation of students for employment including the Add+Vantage modules.
  • The effective use of management information in the Course Quality, Enhancement and Monitoring process.
  • The effective arrangements and comprehensive support for students undertaking professional placement opportunities.
  • The explicit link which the University establishes between internationalisation and the enhancement of student employability through outward mobility.

The full report can be downloaded from the QAA website (pdf, 470kb).

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