Professor Ian Dunn
Professor Ian Dunn
Personal Assistant:
Harinder Heer
07974 984059
Ian supports the Vice-Chancellor overseeing the academic work of the Group. He works closely with the Vice-Provosts and Deputy Vice-Chancellors for Education, Curriculum, Research and Enterprise to ensure that Coventry remains known for the quality of its academic work and wide access provision.
Ian has a long history of working at Coventry. He has been part of the senior team since 2010 and has been a substantial part of the major developments of the Group. He would always cite the development of Coventry campuses around the UK and globally, ensuring that Coventry is known as a wide access HE partner to many places.
Ian is a member of the QAA Academic Degree Powers committee, was until recently chair of the National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship, is deeply engaged in the governance of schools and has multiple other trusteeships.