Gender Equality Plan
Coventry University’s vision is to embed a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion (ED&I) within the fabric of our organisation, with the commitment to ED&I we make as a Group embedded in our 2030 strategy.
Coventry University meets its commitments to gender equality and the requirements of Horizon Europe’s Gender Equality Plan in the following ways:
Public document
Coventry University is proud to have been granted the Bronze Athena SWAN Award (for 2016 - 20). Following a national review of the Charter Institutions due to renew in 2020 we were given the opportunity to apply for an extension to the original award. We have recently been informed that this was accepted. Our Athena Swan submission and action plan was fully endorsed by our Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Latham. The gender equality work that we have committed to is developed and overseen by the Athena SWAN Action Team (ASAT) which comprises staff at a variety of seniority and from a range of areas. ASAT reports to the University’s Equality and Diversity Committee to help maintain a high profile for this work.
Dedicated resources
Coventry University has an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Council which meets 4 times each academic year and is Chaired by the Provost, Professor Ian Dunn. The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team and six EDI Sub Councils (representing key protected characteristics, including one dedicated to gender) report into the EDI Council. The Athena Swan Action Team, the Gender Leadership and Development Group and the Women’s Staff Network all report into the Gender Equality Sub Council. In addition to key publicly available information on our EDI infrastructure and resources, Coventry University also has an internal online EDI resource hub which includes policies specific to promoting equality with action plans or further information to support them.
Data collection and monitoring
Coventry University collects and makes data publicly available on an annual basis covering a range of EDI analysis for both staff and students. This includes staff, staff working patterns and staff salary grade bands data by gender. The University’s Gender Pay Gap reports are also publicly available. This data is monitored and assessed by the Athena Swan Action Team which reports into the EDI Council.
Training and capacity building
Coventry University has an online training package covering all aspects of EDI which is mandatory for all staff. It covers the Equality Act, dignity and respect, unconscious bias and good practice information. In addition, in March 2022, key staff groups, including researchers at all levels from PGR to Professor, undertook additional, in person unconscious bias training. The University provides development opportunities via its Coaching and Mentoring Academy and supports a number of paid places on the Aurora leadership programme every year. The Women’s Staff Network continues to grow and establish itself as a powerful voice to advocate for female staff throughout the university group, with a dedicated Teams site, a programme of talks and workshops throughout the year and leadership of the University’s celebration of Women’s History Month. The Network offers a safe, non-judgmental and confidential space for members to discuss, network and debate internal and external pertinent issues and offer support and coping strategies to one another.