Who we are and what we do
Information about the University and University Group’s structure, governance, contacts and locations.
Legal framework
Coventry University is a higher education corporation established under the Education Reform Act 1988 by the Order of the Privy Council on 16 February 1993. Read more about our status.
How the institution is organised
- How the University is organised
- Coventry University Group
- Coventry University Group structure
- The Chancellor and Pro-Chancellors
- The Vice-Chancellor’s Office
- University Leadership Teams
Location and contact details
- Coventry University contact details:
Coventry University
Priory Street
United Kingdom
CV1 5FBTelephone: +44(0)24 7765 7688
- Coventry University Staff directory
- Campus map
- Coventry University London contact details
- CU Coventry contact details
- CU London contact details
- CU Scarborough contact details
University Faculties
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- Faculty of Business and Law:
- Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing
- Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
University Committees
- The Board of Governors and its main committees
- Board of Governors Committee memberships
- Terms of Reference for the Board of Governors, its sub committees, the University’s Academic Board and Teaching and Learning Committee
- Minutes for the Main Board of Governors Committee
Organisations related to the University
Information relating to organisations which Coventry University has responsibility for, those it works in partnership with, those it sponsors and companies wholly owned by it.
- Academic Partners around the world
- Companies wholly owned by the University Group
- Coventry Blaze
- Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering
Student activities
Information about the Students’ Union and other clubs, associations and non-academic activities that are organised by or for the students.
- Your Students’ Union
- Social space: Square One
- Social and Learning space: The Hub