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Rankings and reputation

Rankings and reputation

Coventry University has collected an impressive list of awards and accolades in recent years in recognition of the huge strides we have made in our journey to delivering quality teaching and learning and outstanding student satisfaction.

Our teaching, staff, facilities and student experience have all been recognised as being among the finest in the sector and our future is looking bright as a modern university with a flourishing global reputation.

Our latest success is securing a five star rating for the first time in the QS Stars 2019, with the QS report citing graduate employability as a real strength of Coventry University.


  • Top 15 for five years running in the Guardian University Guide (2016-2020)
  • Awarded University of the Year for Student Experience (The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019)
  • 1st for Overseas Experiences (based on student trips abroad - HESA 2016/17)
  • 2nd for Teaching Excellence (Times Higher UK metrics ranking 2017)
  • Gold for outstanding teaching and learning (Teaching Excellence Framework 2017)
  • Top 5 UK Student City (QS Best Student Cities 2019)
  • Overall five star QS Stars rating (QS Stars 2019)

Guardian University Guide

We have been in the top 15 universities in the Guardian University Guide since May 2015, and are ranked in the top 10 across nine subject areas in the latest 2020 guide:

  • 3rd for Hospitality, event management and tourism
  • 3rd for Social policy and administration
  • 3rd for Mechanical engineering
  • 4th for Film production and photography
  • 4th for Nursing and midwifery
  • 4th for Building and town and country planning
  • 5th for Architecture
  • 8th for Journalism, publishing and public relations
  • 10th for Geography and environmental studies

The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide

Coventry University was ranked 50th nationally in The Times and The Sunday Times University rankings 2020, and 6th across the West Midlands, ranking highly across student surveys, teaching, student experience and graduate prospects, and maintaining our status as a high performing institution.

Awarded University of the Year for Student Experience (2019) and three-time winner of the Modern University of the Year title, we are currently ranked 18th for student experience in the latest 2020 guide. We are also ranked in the top 20 across five subject areas:

  • 9th for Building
  • 11th for Hospitality, leisure, recreation and tourism
  • 11th for Education
  • 12th for Food science
  • 13th for Aeronautical and manufacturing engineering

Complete University Guide

We are ranked in the top 20 across seven subject areas:

  • 7th for Food science
  • 7th for Hospitality, leisure, recreation & tourism
  • 8th for Forensic science
  • 10th for Occupational therapy
  • 10th for Physiotherapy

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)

Our teaching was rated Gold in the latest TEF, confirming the excellence of the undergraduate teaching carried out at Coventry.

A total of 288 higher education institutions have been awarded a TEF rating since 2017, with 27 per cent achieving Gold, meaning that Coventry scored higher than several Russell Group institutions.

The TEF Panel said we offer "consistently outstanding student support services to all students, in particular those from disadvantaged backgrounds that support retention and progression.”

The panel went on to say we have “an outstanding institutional culture that places emphasis on recognising and rewarding excellent teaching”, as well as “an outstanding focus on employability and developing entrepreneurship skills that are highly valued by employers.”

The TEF assesses universities on the quality of their teaching by looking at measures including student satisfaction, student retention rates and graduate employment levels. Its award ratings of Gold, Silver and Bronze are valid for up to three years. The TEF Gold awarded to Coventry University reflects that, as a higher education provider, we deliver consistently outstanding teaching, learning and outcomes for our students, and that the provision is of the highest quality found in the UK.

QS Star Ratings

This year has seen Coventry University awarded a five star rating in the QS Stars awards system, the highest overall rating, confirming the breadth of excellence across a broad range of areas, including teaching and research.

QS awarded five stars across the following areas:

  • 5 stars for teaching (including full marks for teaching satisfaction)
  • 5 stars for employability (including full marks for our graduate employment prospects)
  • 5 stars for facilities
  • 5 stars for internationalisation

QS-Stars logo

Encouragingly, we also leapt from one to four stars in the research category, highlighting the world leading research undertaken across the group.

In addition, Coventry University gained a Specialist Criteria ranking of four stars for its Civil and Structural Engineering degree.

Employability is the strongest of the core criteria, earning a perfect 150 points and five stars in this category. The employability opportunities provided by Coventry for its students are reflected by its impressive graduate employment rate of 97 per cent.

QS report
 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023