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Supporting our Community during COVID-19

Here at Coventry University we have been awed but not surprised at the amazing response from students, staff and local people across our communities. In a time where everyone has been affected in one way or another by Covid-19, community spirit and resilience has shined through.

Coventry University has been quick and active in our response to maximise our contribution to support our local communities, nationally and internationally.

Supporting our NHS..

..through our staff and students: CU Scarborough and Coventry campus students have joined the frontline as nurses and ambulance staff. A further 25 PhD students and research staff volunteered to help University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) expand Covid-19 testing.

..with our buildings and equipment: We have donated 400 pairs of safety goggles and 90,000 pairs of gloves to Warwickshire County Council's public health team for use in care homes and our teams are making 500 visors a week for the NHS along with 3D printed ventilator prototypes. We have also made the health simulation facilities in our Alison Gingell building available to train student doctors joining frontline staff.

Sophie Bassi posing with air ambulance in the background

Supporting our Community..

Woman giving another a massage volunteering locally: Staff and students across all campuses have volunteered to help local vulnerable groups with shopping and prescriptions, support foodbanks provide essentials to those in food crisis, and even volunteer virtually with groups across the country.

Supporting Through Education

Our Widening Participation team are creating a safe environment online for pupils in care, in order to continue to provide vital support at this time. The interactive space will be tailored to their virtual asks, from careers they are interested in, to quizzes and useful tips in isolation. The team is also hoping to launch virtual Open Days to build on the successful launch of virtual campus tours.

Our Health and Life Sciences Faculty have developed three free online courses in a ‘Thrive at Home series’ to support those working remotely through the outbreak. You can access these on the FutureLearn platform.

Young people smiling while using their tablets

As part of our partnership with charity City Year UK, students on placement in local Secondary Schools have been supporting pupils’ by creating online sessions and digital spaces for students to learn and talk about their hopes and fears during these challenging times.

Get in touch

If you’re a member of staff or student at the university and are volunteering or working in the fight against Covid-19 or if you’re a member of the local community and you think there is a way we can assist you, we want to hear from you.

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