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5 news stories found

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Two men shaking hands outside the O2 arena

Coventry University announces new sponsorship with...

CU London Greenwich has announced a new sponsorship agreement with The O2 as the venue’s official higher education sponsor.

CU London helps the best in the Barking and Dagenham business world celebrate their success

CU London helps the best in the Barking and Dagenham...

CU London was the headline sponsor of the Barking and Dagenham Chamber of Commerce 2019 Business Awards held at Dagenham and Redbridge Football Club.

Local business given a helping hand by CU London marketing students

Local business given a helping hand by CU London...

A local businessman has been given a chance to boost his profile with the assistance of up and coming marketing experts from CU London.

CU London provides working space for local organisations

CU London provides working space for local...

Three groups striving to improve education, social inclusion and leisure activities for people young and old in Barking and Dagenham have taken up working space at CU...

Small and medium sized businesses discover new ways of working at CU London event

Small and medium sized businesses discover new ways...

CU London held its first business event for small and medium sized organisations to encourage local businesses to consider new Ways of Working (WoW).