Trade-off Management between Safety and Cybersecurity (TOMSAC)

This research is aimed at assuring cybersecurity and safety of complex CPS/IoT systems, which arise from convergence of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT).

Interdisciplinary Training Network in Multi-Actuated Ground Vehicles (ITEAM)

ITEAM is aimed at establishing and sustainably maintaining the European training network by training strong specialists to research and develop cutting-edge technologies in the field of multi-actuated ground vehicles (MAGV).

Digi CAV

Investigating the feasibility of building a connected autonomous vehicles (CAV) simulation platform that enables plugging in external heterogeneous components.

Trusted Intelligent Connected Autonomous Vehicles (TIC-IT)

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) are expected to bring huge benefits to society. The Trusted Intelligent CAV (TIC-IT) facility will be critical to this, providing a realistic, controlled high speed, limit-handling and fully connected environment.

Evaluating Cyber Security Evidence for Policy Advice: The Other Human Dimension (ECSEPA)

This project focuses on policy makers in the UK, specifically those civil servants who provide short and long term policy advice, either in response to specific crisis incidents or in the context of longer term planning for capacity building.

Flood Ultra-cognitive Dendrite (FLUD)

The main aim of FLUD is to develop an intelligent and cost-effective automatic monitoring, and forecasting platform for flooding in urban environments.

Preventing Motion Sickness in Automated Vehicles

The overall aim of this JIP accordingly is to avoid or minimise the occurrence of motion sickness in automated vehicles. The project aims at realising this by explicating the underlying causes of motion sickness in automated vehicles, adopt reliable, sensitive, and valid methods to assess its occurrence, and sketch ways it can be mitigated by adapted (automated) vehicle design and/or other countermeasures.

Open Flight Deck

This project aims to develop an accessible platform for the flight deck which supports new technologies, new applications such as crew decision aids harnessing big data, and 21st century HMI such as touch, voice and haptics.

Healthy Gardeners

Biomechanical software has been developed at Coventry University which has the capability of analysing musculoskeletal systems.


METRIC maps regional transport innovation capacity and identifies the competitive advantage of regions. 

Future Flight Deck

Developing new pilot-centred interface technologies to improve situation awareness, decision making and improve the availability of aircraft in adverse weather. 

Virtual Exhaust Prototyping System (VExPro)

VExPro aims to optimise a lightweight exhaust system encompassing areas of thermo-mechanical, mechanical, acoustics, vibration, manufacturing and light-weighting analysis and design in a High Performance Computing (HPC) environment.


InnEx will develop a highly innovative lightweight exhaust system for forced induction diesel and petrol automotive vehicles. 

AREA – Augmented Reality Enhanced Assembly

This explored the use of augmented reality in the context of manufacturing assembly workers required to conduct complex product assemblies (such as high performance battery packs for electric vehicles) with increased efficiency.

UK Connected Intelligent Transport Environment (UK CITE)

The overall project aim is to create one of the world’s most advanced environments for connected and autonomous driving.

SIMUSAFE (SIMUlator of behavioural aspects for SAFEr transport)

The goal of SIMUSAFE following the FESTA-V model methodology is to develop realistic multi-agent behavioural models in a transit environment where researchers will be able to monitor and introduce changes in every aspect, gathering data not available in real world conditions.

Midlands Future Mobility

IFTC’s role in MFM supports future CAV testbed trials by developing guidance and case studies to assist users with test definition and planning.

Supporting Urban Integrated Transport Systems (SUITS)

SUITS is one of the three projects of the EU’s CIVITAS 2020 initiative focusing on sustainable urban mobility plans.


The ASSURED CAV (Connected and Autonomous Vehicle) Parking project’s purpose is to create a bespoke and realistic, controlled set of parking environments to test and support the development of current and future connected and automated parking solutions.

REducing WorkloAd Through EffiCient TechnOlogy and ProceduRes - REACTOR

The objective of the REACTOR project is to develop and evaluate a suite of technologies in support of reduced cockpit workload and improved situational awareness.